A step-by-step guide for Australians to apply Vietnam visa


Travel Tips

For entering Vietnam, Australian citizens are required to get a Vietnam visa before their visit. Currently, Australians can consider two possible options for visa application as below:

  • Traditional Visa application at Vietnam Embassy in Australia; OR
  • Getting the visa on arrival at Vietnam’s international airports

Please note that there are certain differences between two ways mentioned above regarding application scheme as well as appropriate applicants.

For Australians applying for a visa at Vietnam embassies, after completing all the required documents and procedure, they will receive the visa at Vietnam embassies in Australia. In terms of visa on arrival, a visa approval letter with an applicant’s name will be issued by the Vietnam Immigration Department declaring that this applicant is accepted to enter Vietnam at a particular time. The applicant will get the visa when arriving at Vietnam’s airports.

It can be easily seen that picking up Visa on arrival is time-saving and more convenient compared to the traditional one, however, this way is just possible for air travelers only. If you use other forms of transportation to enter Vietnam, it is compulsory to apply for visa at the Vietnam embassies.


How to apply for Vietnam visa at Vietnam Embassy?

Australian passport holders can come to either of 3 offices of Vietnam Embassy in Australia below and follow the instruction of officials for visa application.

  • Embassy of Vietnam in Canberra – Australia, 6 Timbarra Cres., Malley Canberra, ACT 2606, Australia

Tel: (612) 6286 6059 /(612) 6290 1549 | Consular: 6290 1556 | Fax: (612) 6286 4534

  • Consulate General of Vietnam in Perth, Australia, 8th Floor, No.16, St.Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
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Phone: (+61) 8 9221 1158 | Fax: (+61) 8 9225 6881

Email: consul.perth@mofa.gov.vn | vnconsulate.perth@gmail.com

  • Consulate General of Vietnam in Sydney – Australia | 8th Floor, No.16, St.Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000

PO Box: 732, Edgecliff, N.S.W 2027 | Tel: 02 93271912/ 0293272539 | Fax: 02 93281653

How to apply for Vietnam visa on arrival for Australian?

For Australian passport holders

Applying for Vietnam visa on arrival can be simply done if you follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Online application form filling. You are required to provide the exact personal information including full name, date of birth, passport number, estimated arrival date, etc. Please note that all of the applicant information will be secured. Double check information.
  • Step 2: Service fee payment. For your convenience, payment methods are available for Credit/ Debit Card via OnePay /PayPal or via the Western Union. After completing the payment, a confirmation email will be sent back to you within 5 minutes.

The service fee differs depending on certain criteria such as the number of applicants, visa types as well as the length of the processing period. Details about the service fee and stamping fee for Vietnam visa here

  • Step 3: Visa processing. It will take you 2 working days for normal service or 1 working day for urgent service to receive Visa Approval Letter via email.
  • Step 4: Visa stamped at Vietnam international airport. You have to prepare the hard copy of the visa approval letter as well as Entry and exit form; then, submit your visa approval letter, passport, 02 passport-sized photos, Vietnamese visa application form, and stamping fee to the Immigration Officer to get visa stamped on your passport at Vietnam airport check-in counter.
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The process above is applied for online application. If you want to make the visa-on-arrival application offline, please download the form here, fill your exact information and send to email. A reply email with payment guidance for service fee will be sent to your email. Next, you can follow step 3 and step 4 listed above to get your Vietnam visa.

For other nationalities that currently stay in Australia

Not all nationalities are required to get Vietnam visa so first of all please check if your nationality is in Vietnam visa exemption list. If not, then Vietnam visa will be a must and if Vietnam visa on arrival policy is applicable for your nationality, you can easily get your visa with the mentioned process at website or contact visa consultants there for more assistance.

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