What time is it in Australia right now?


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What time is it in Australia

There are three different time zones in Australia. If you are traveling to Australia, you should have an understanding of three different time zones to plan your vacation properly and what time is it in Australia. Here are the details.

As there are three different time zones, all the major cities have clocks showing the current date, time, and the time zone for the city. It will also show the difference between different time zones as well as that particular time zone is participating in daylight saving or not.

What are the three different time zones?

What time is it in Australia

These are Australian Central Standard Time (ACST), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST), and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

  • ACST is equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time +9 hours.
  • AWST is equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time +8 hours.
  • AEST is equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time +10 hours

South Australia, Northern Territory, and New South Wales are covered by ACST. Western Australia is covered by AWST. New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory, and Victoria are covered by ASET.

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