What time is it in Victoria Australia? – Online clock


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What time is it in Victoria Australia

Being the second most populous state in Australia, Victoria is a city that is home to many people. It is within the Australia Eastern Time which is 10 hours ahead of the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Why is the time here ahead of GMT? Because it is located towards the east of the Greenwich Meridian! To find the What time is it in Victoria Australia, use GMT as the reference.

Time is different in the summer

What time is it in Victoria Australia

In order to make summer days better used and remain productive, people tend to set their watches an hour ahead. This is known as daylight saving time and it is common practice in Victoria, Australia. What this means is that during summer, the time in this area is 11 hours ahead of GMT (GMT+11). When summer is over the time is reverted by an hour which returns it to the standard GMT+10 for Victoria.

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What time is it in Victoria Australia? Simply determine what the time is in GMT and then add 10 hours to this (or 11hours if it is summer in Australia which falls between October and April).

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