How long can you stay in Australia without a visa?


About Visa to Australia

  1. What happens when you are on Australian soil without a visa
  2. What do the authorities dictate and how to resolve the matter
  3. What to do immediately if you don’t have a valid visa

You can visit Australia on different kinds of visa like travel visa, tourist visa and more.

However, if your visa expires for any reason, and you are living in Australia without a visa, you will be considered as an unlawful citizen and you will face legal consequences for that.

In this article, we will dig into those details, as well as the details about how long can you stay in Australia without a visa.


What happens when you are in Australia without a visa

If for any reason, your current Australian visa has expired, it is imperative that you resolve your immigration matter immediately.

Your circumstances at that moment will define if you will be allowed to stay in the country at that point of time or not.

Please make sure that you are able to resolve your immigration affairs within 28 days of your visa expiry date, as if you fail to do that, you can be banned from coming to the country or acquiring visas for the country for a period of 3 years.

Australian visa

In many cases, there is a fine, subject to your circumstances at that point of time.

What do the authorities dictate and how to resolve the matter

If you are in Australia without a visa, you risk being arrested for being an unlawful citizen, as well as being placed in detention by the immigration authorities concerned.

READ:  189 Visa Requirements and Processing Time

You can also be removed from the country – depending on your current circumstances, and how will they fit (or do not fit) with the compliance that is set by the departments and authoritative figures involved.

The best way to get rid of immigration problems like this and to resolve this issue is to visit your country’s Embassy or the nearest authoritative figure and try to get your visa renewed as soon as possible.

How long can you stay in Australia without a visa

What to do immediately if you don’t have a valid visa

If you are living in Australia and your visa has expired, it is imperative that you visit the nearby departmental office or any departmental office as soon as you possibly can. This is to be the step one in your efforts to resolve the issue immediately.

If you have been living in Australia without a visa for less than 28 days, you will have more options available to legally apply for Australian visa or get a new one made in order to become a lawful citizen again, or a tourist following the laws, rules, and regulations that apply to you, again.

How long can you stay in Australia without a visa

Also, you can get in touch with an officer from the community status resolution service and they will resolve your issue.

You can use this visa while you work with the authority to resolve the immigration problem that you are having because of the lack of visa at that moment of time.

The bridging visa is granted to you as kind of a temporary visa or a short-term visa, and it allows you to live legally in Australia till your immigration issues are resolved.

READ:  Are you eligible for an Australian Electronic Travel Authorization?: eTA Australia

One must always follow the laws and be aware of the dates on their visas to make sure they abide by the rules and regulations. Laws are what guide us and facilitate us a lot of privileges, after all!

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