Do I Need A Visa For Australia?


About Visa to Australia


  1. The types of visas to apply for
  2. Can one extend the due date of the visa?
  3. Does one need a student visa to learn in Australia?
  4. Are there any items that should not be carried along to Australia?
  5. Which particular visa does one need to work in Australia legally?
  6. Is there a maximum amount of money that one should bring to Australia?
  7. What next after your property is declared?

Visas enable a person to travel from one country to another without restriction. Do I need a visa for Australia? A foreigner traveling to Australia needs a visa to be granted entrance to that country. An Australian citizen has no need for that since he/she is the resident of that state. However, a New Zealand citizen has an opportunity to travel to Australia even before applying for a visa. As they settle, they can now start visiting immigration offices to apply for a residence visa. For the rest, it is mandatory that you get a valid and legal Visa before leaving for Australia. There are different types of visas depending on what you are going to do there: work, holiday, tourist and many others. To apply for them, one needs to stop by an Australian Embassy. Other places could be the Consulate or on its website – Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

The types of visas to apply for

Those traveling to Australia have different agendas for going there. It could be as mentioned above. Your period in that country and the passport also matters.


It is also known as subclass 651. This type of visa is applicable in some European states. They should also have passports. It is valid for only a limited time after that, it cannot be lengthened. An eVisitor visa is free of charge and is able to cater for your several trips to Australia either as a tourist or as a business person. The duration permitted is only 3 months in a year.

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Electronic Travel Authority visa

It is also known as a subclass 601. This visa allows you to go to Australia as much as you need. It lasts a year and you are allowed to stay there for up to 3 months. The passport holders from any country apart from Australia are allowed to apply for this kind of visa. It is free unless applied online where a cost of 39 EUR is incurred.

Visitor visa

It is also known as a subclass 600. This is the perfect visa for those not qualified for an ETA one and an eVisitor. This is a visa meant for tourism or work related business and one has an opportunity for staying there for three, six or twelve months. All you need is a sum of between 135 dollars to 340 dollars.

Can one extend the due date of the visa?

If you are already in Australia and wish to stay longer and you already have an eTA Australia Visa, you can apply for a visitor visa. This enables you to increase your days in the country. An eVisitor cannot do that for you though; it is only a visitor visa.

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Does one need a student visa to learn in Australia?

Taking studies in Australia and you are from another country requires that you get a student visa. A parent or guardian to the student should also get a Student Guardian visa. If the purpose of the visit is to take some few months studying there, a visitor visa is applicable. There are also training and research visas for those who wish to carry out research studies in Australia.

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Are there any items that should not be carried along to Australia?

Drugs, lethal weapons, firearms, endangered wildlife, and steroids are not allowed into Australia. There is a custom law to back that up. Some foods like packaged food, meat, eggs, seeds and fruits are also not allowed in there. Other prohibited items include skin and feathers.

Which particular visa does one need to work in Australia legally?

Adults between 18 to 30 years can have prolonged holidays along with short-term employment. This noble act enhances a good relationship status with the foreign countries. This program is known as the Working Holiday Maker.

There are two types of Working Holiday visas:

  • Working Holiday visa
  • Work and Holiday visa

Is there a maximum amount of money that one should bring to Australia?

There is no maximum amount of money that one should bring to Australia. However, goods worth over 10,000 dollars are declared.

What next after your property is declared?

Goods over the stated amount are open to be declared. After declaration, if it is found out that the goods cannot pose harm, they are refunded to you. If vice versa, you can pay extra money for the goods to be transported or exported for you.

Australia is a great country that should be visited by all and sundry. It only needs a visa to get there.


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