How to get a working holiday visa for Australia?


About Visa to Australia

Are you traveling to Australia and wish to see yourself working in Australia? Well, then you surely need a visa. In fact, you can go for an Australian working holiday visa that will allow enjoying the stunning beauty of Australia while working on the country’s primary sector.

How to get a working holiday visa for Australia

But before you apply for a working holiday visa you must know about its important requirements and other related information.

  1. One of the first and foremost requirements of how to get a working holiday visa for Australia is the applicant needs to be between 18 and 30 without having any dependent children.
  2. Secondly, the applicant must be a passport holder of an eligible country and the passport must have a minimum a year until the renewal.

The applicant must also show that he or she is visiting Australia purely for the purpose of holidaying and during the visit if any work is undertaken it is for financial support during traveling to Australia.

Australian visa

How to get a working holiday visa for Australia

The applicant must also show documents of sufficient funds for a return or onward fare and adequate funds that will take care of the first part of their stay. One of the important things that the applicant must remember is Australian work visa cannot be granted in Australia.

All Australian working holiday visas must be made overseas.


As it has already been mentioned that passport holder of eligible countries can only apply for work visas to Australia, so here is a list of eligible countries – United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, France, Japan, Malta, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taiwan, Germany, Belgium, and Estonia.

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How to get a working holiday visa for Australia

Applicants of working holiday visas Australia are required to meet the health criteria. However, in some cases, the applicant might require to go for formal health examinations. Other than the health requirements the applicant also needs to meet financial requirements.

Thus, the applicant is required to have access to adequate funds in order to support themselves for their initial stages of the holiday and the applicant might be asked to show proper documents of this after their arrival to Australia to satisfy immigration officials.

How to get a working holiday visa for Australia

With Australian work visas, the holder gets 12 months to travel to Australia from the date of granting the visa. The visa lets the holder stay for 12 months from the date of his or her entry to Australia.

Australian Visa

Within this period of 12 months, the holder can re-enter Australia.

However one must remember that if they depart Australia during their 12 months, the time spent outside Australia cannot be recovered.

With the help of working holiday visa Australia the holders can employ themselves in specified work in Australia for a minimum period of three months.

In fact, after working as a specified worker one becomes eligible for applying second Australian work visas that will allow living in Australia for another 12 months provided that he/she meets with the requirements of working holiday visa Australia.

While working in Australia as a specified worker one can expect to get work in plant or animal cultivation, tree farming, fishing, construction work, and mining. Working in Australia can be an interesting experience that also gives you the chance to meet with the travel expense.

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