Australian Visa Requirements


Travel Tips


  • If you want to enter Australia, you will require a valid passport, sufficient funds, the necessary tickets and, most importantly, a valid visa. Except for a few exempt individuals (visitors from New Zealand, persons from the ETA eligible countries and the like), everyone that wants to enter Australia must acquire a visa.
  • The applications can be made online or offline depending on your situation; though, there are a number of Australian visa requirements that must be met before one’s application can be successfully processed.
  • Chief amongst these Australian visa requirements is a police certificate which proves that you haven’t been convicted of a crime in the last twelve months or so. This is what they call the Australian character requirement.
  • And even if you can meet it, there are various other boxes that you must also check before you can successfully apply for an Australian visa. They include a travel document such as a passport (valid for at least half a year after the visa’s expiration), a document proving that you have paid the visa application fee and a passport photo, preferably one with a white background.
  • You must also prove that you can financially sustain your stay. That means presenting bank statements and any other documents that can accurately prove that you have the means to finance your visit to Australia.
  • If you are moving to the country to work and are in need of a work visa, then you must present a letter from your employer which not only justifies your stay but also authenticates your capacity to earn a living.
  • The average visitor, on the other hand, the kind in need of a visitor’s visa, only needs to worry about presenting a letter of invitation from whichever citizen might have invited them over to Australia.
  • Tourists are expected to present a travel itinerary while potential students must show documents proving that they have been admitted to an educational institute in the country.
  • When it comes to persons visiting Australia for health purposes, some sort of letter detailing their health issues, the treatment they wish to acquire and the treatment center they plan to visit, not to mention documents from an Australian medical professional must be presented.
  • In some cases, it might be necessary to show marriage certifications, birth certificates for one’s children and tax clearance documents.
  • It is imperative that one provides accurate information. The submission of erroneous information or even fake documents will cause the termination of one’s visa application.
  • READ:  La bandera de Australia - Información interesante


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