Emigrating to Australia Over 45


About Visa to Australia

With its relaxed lifestyle and warm weather, emigrating to Australia is a common dream for many people. For those over the age of 45, however, obtaining an Australian visa can be more difficult as there are age limits implemented on some Australian work visa types.

Though emigration may be more challenging to persons over 45 years than to younger ones, with the proper research and understanding of Australian visa laws, immigrants in the above age group can find an appropriate way to have a fresh start in Australia.

Depending on the situation, persons over 45 can stay in Australia under parent visas, partner visas, distinguished talent visas, business innovation, investment visas, or temporary skill shortage visas.

Ultimately, it is possible for those over 45 to pursue their Australian dream, but navigating the Australian visa system to get there can be complex. Proceed with the article to get more detailed information on emigrating to Australia over 45.

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Can you emigrate to Australia if you are over 45?

Australian visa options are quite limited for those over 45, as most Australian permanent residency opportunities and permanent skill-based visas have age limitations.

Even though the country has a higher demand for younger migrants, this shouldn’t be an obstacle to your plans. The options for persons over 45 are still available, some of them don’t have age limitations at all.

Explore different opportunities and see which visa might be applicable to your situation.


Parent Visa

A parent visa may be a good option for people over 45 years who have a family member that resides in Australia and is an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

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You can consider 6 categories of parent visas:

Parent visa (subclass 103) – a permanent visa allowing a parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia.

Aged parent visa (subclass 804) – a permanent visa allowing a parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to move to the country.

Contributory aged parent visa (subclass 884, temporary) – a temporary visa enabling the aged parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to reside in Australia for up to 2 years.

Contributory parent visa (subclass 173, temporary) – a temporary visa lets a parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen remain temporarily in Australia for up to 2 years.

Contributory parent visa (subclass 143, permanent) – a permanent visa that lets a parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident of Australia, or eligible New Zealand citizen move to Australia.

Sponsored parent visa (subclass 870) – a temporary visa allowing a parent of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to stay in Australia for up to 3 or 5 years.

Partner Visa

A partner visa fits those who have a romantic, established relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

Initially, you can apply for a provisional partner visa subclass 820 and 309, which permits a spouse or a de-facto partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to reside and work in the country on a temporary basis. Then you’ll be able to apply for permanent Australian visassubclasses 801 and 100 of a partner visa.

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Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) Visa

A distinguished talent visa can be obtained by persons with an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the following fields: a profession, a sport, the arts, as well as academia and research.

An applicant also must be nominated by an important person in their area of talent who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or by an Australian organization in the appropriate area.

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) Visa

A business innovation and investment visa allow its holders to conduct business and investment activity in Australia.

There are different streams available:

-Business Innovation stream

-Investor stream

-Significant Investor stream

-Premium Investor stream

-Entrepreneur stream.

Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa

A temporary skill shortage visa is issued to suitably skilled workers for positions that cannot be occupied by suitably skilled Australians.

An applicant must be nominated by an approved sponsor, have the appropriate skills to properly perform their duties, and meet the English language requirement.

However, a short-term stream doesn’t lead to Australian permanent residentship, and a medium-term stream can help to get permanent residence only for those under the age of 45.

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What is the maximum age to migrate to Australia?

The age limit varies among different types of visas. For example, persons applying for a distinguished talent visa and a business innovation and investment visa must be under 55.

Yet, if an applicant for a business innovation and investment visa proposes a business or investment contribution of exceptional economic benefit, the state or territory may review their decision and waive the age requirement.

READ:  Australian visa for New Zealand citizens

Some Australian visas, like a partner visa and a temporary skill shortage, have no age limit, so they are available for applicants of any age.


How much money must you have to immigrate to Australia?

The amount of money you should have for immigration to Australia depends on many factors, including the area you’re heading to. You should take into account the cost of tickets, accommodation, and shipping expenses.

You may also need to pay for an English language test (about 160-200 AUD), medical examinations (350-400 AUD for adults and 200 AUD for children), police background checks (80-100 AUD), etc.

As for the visa fees, applicants over 45 years have to pay the following costs:

parent visa – from 6,625 AUD

partner visa – from 8,085 AUD for most applicants; from 1,350 AUD for prospective marriage visa (subclass 300) holders

distinguished talent visa – from 4,110 AUD

business innovation and investment visa – from 6,270 AUD

temporary skill shortage visa – from 1,330 – 2,770 AUD

Note that the price presented here is approximate, may differ for each case, and change at any time. For more relevant information, please contact the nearest Australian embassy.

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