Second Year Visa Australia – Requirements


About Visa to Australia

The second-year visa Australia is a visa given to younger people age 18-30 years to give then the chance for an extra year of having a working holiday in Australia. It basically gives the beneficiaries the right to engage in casual works so as to supplements the expenses of travel. For one to qualify for a Second-year visa in Australia, there are specific conditions and requirements that he or she need to fulfill.

Qualifications for a second-year visa Australia

  • 6 months of employment from one employer will not be allowed
  • The application for Second-year visa Australia can be made from inside or outside Australia

Second Year Visa Australia

Requirements for Second-year visa Australia

The requirements are divided into two, basic and health and character requirements.

Australian visa

The applicant should:

  • Be between 18-30 years
  • Have a valid passport with a minimum of 6 months to the renewal date
  • Be able to financially support themselves when in Australia
  • Have completed 3 months or 88 days of specific work in regional Australia

What qualifies as specified work in the Second-year visa Australia application?

A number of industries in Australia provide jobs that can qualify you as an applicant. These industries include various sectors of agriculture like harvesting and cultivation. The processing industries like forestry, fishing and pearling, mining as well as construction industries also count. The most reliable form of specified work is seen to be a farmworker.


What areas qualify as regional Australia?

You can finish your specified work in any state as every Australian state owns specified postcodes that are recognized as regional Australia. Some states area regional Australia as a whole, for example, Tasmania and South Australia. If you happen to land in Western Australia, you will have to stay in the less densely populated areas.

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Health and character

  • The applicant is required to be free from incriminating criminal records
  • They should also be free from substantial medical records

How do I support the validity of my Second-year visa Australia?

Proof of having fulfilled all the requirements will be needed before the application is approved. The proof can be supported by the provision of:

  • A bank statement for the entire period you were on specified work
  • Your personal bus tickets, accommodation or general receipts as well as Pay slips and tax returns
  • Group certificates
  • Employer references on official letterhead


 The best time to submit my application

Just like the first working holiday visa, the second year visa Australia application is fast and quick. The difference is you will need like 3 months on the lower side to complete all the necessary requirements whilst the processing of the papers will take between two to six weeks. Therefore, to avoid any delays and long waits or even further problems, it is advised to commence your application at least a month to the expiry date of your first visa.

Australian Visa

Once your application has been proven as successful, you are allowed to renew your visa within one year. Which is easy for offshore applicants. All you have to do is enter Australia. For onshore applicants who haven’t left the country upon application, the visa will automatically renew itself.

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