How to Become a Permanent Resident in Australia


About Visa to Australia

If you apply for and are approved for a permanent visa that enables you to stay in Australia indefinitely, you can become an official Australian permanent resident. The most popular permanent visas are those for family members and certain skilled workers.

It is necessary that you fulfill the visa requirements in order to apply for a permanent visa. Check various visa options to find out what are the conditions to obtain permanent residency.

If you are an Australian permanent resident, the validity of the travel facility on your permanent visa will determine your ability to return to Australia after visiting another country.

After fulfilling specific conditions, such as holding a permanent visa and staying in Australia for a predetermined period of time, you can be qualified to get Australian citizenship.

What rights does an Australian permanent resident get?

Normally, as an Australian permanent resident, you are able to:

  • stay in Australia for an indefinite period of time
  • labor and education in Australia
  • enroll in Medicare, the national health program of Australia
  • get bank loans to purchase real estate
  • invite close relatives who qualify for permanent residency
  • if you are eligible, submit an application for Australian citizenship
  • re-enter Australia for as long as your travel facility allows
  • join the Adult Migrant English Program’s free English language classes
  • get employment in New Zealand

You might also be eligible for additional government support and benefits. If you are living outside of Australia but have a permanent visa, it can affect your eligibility for the aforementioned. To find out your rights and responsibilities, get in touch with the appropriate government departments or authorities.

READ:  Australian Visas For Hungarian Citizens

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How to get PR in Australia

How to get PR in Australia

It is possible to obtain permanent residency in Australia through various visa options.

Family-stream permanent residence visas

You can become a PR in Australia via family-stream visas if you belong to one of the following categories:

  • partners, children, parents, or dependent relatives of an Australian passport holder, permanent resident of Australia, or eligible New Zealand citizen
  • minors adopted or in the process of being adopted outside of Australia
  • caregivers who need to reside in Australia to provide long-term care for a family member

Work-stream permanent residence visas

Some workers can also become permanent residents if they have an Australian employer sponsoring them to work in Australia or have particular skills valuable to Australia.

Australia work visas may be suitable for you if you are engaged in anything mentioned below:

  • air or sea crew
  • attend or work at a special event/activity
  • business or investment
  • represent a foreign Government, teach a foreign language or do domestic work (diplomat or consular)
  • participate in a research project
  • post-study work training and internship
  • skilled/highly specialized work
  • working holiday or seasonal work
  • youth, school, or staff exchange program
  • work in a Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme specified industry

Business or investment-stream permanent residence visas

Those willing to become permanent residents by business or investment can choose between four visa streams under the Business Innovation and Investment Program:

  • the Business Innovation Stream – you must obtain and maintain substantial ownership and management of an Australian business
  • the Investor Stream – you must contribute AUD 2.5 million towards a complying Australian-managed investment fund for the duration of the provisional visa validity
  • the Significant Investor Stream – you must contribute a minimum of AUD 5 million towards a complying Australian-managed investment fund for the duration of the provisional visa validity
  • the Entrepreneur Stream – you need to get endorsement by a state or territory government
READ:  Difference Between 189 and 190 Visa

Retirement visa pathway

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Retirement visa pathway

Retirement visa pathway opportunity has been recently introduced by the Australian Government, allowing eligible retirees to become permanent residents.

This option is available to long-term residents who are well-established and made a contribution to the community.

The Australian government has created the pathway by separating a portion of places from the permanent migration scheme for parents.

Former Resident visa

A former Resident visa enables former permanent residents and certain people who served in the Australian Defence Force to apply for PR Australia.

Global Talent visa

The Global Talent Independent Program was created to help grow Australia’s innovation and tech economies and create opportunities for Australians by transferring skills, promoting innovation, and creating jobs.

To become a permanent citizen of Australia, you must:

have a record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the areas below recognized internationally:

  • a profession
  • a sport
  • the arts
  • academia and research

have a nominator with a national reputation in your area who meets one of the following criteria:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident
  • an eligible New Zealand citizen
  • an Australian organization

Refugee and humanitarian visas

There are 5 options of refugee and humanitarian visas available for people who fled their home countries due to persecution:

  • Permanent Protection visa – is granted to those who have another valid visa and seek asylum
  • Temporary Protection visa – is issued to individuals seeking refuge if they have entered Australia without a visa; it remains valid only temporarily and does not allow to travel outside Australia without special permission
  • Safe Haven Protection visa – is for refugees who entered the country without a visa; applicants need to meet additional requirements
  • Refugee visas – are permanent and issued to persons subject to persecution in their home country and in need of Australia’s protection
  • Global Special Humanitarian visa – applicants must be outside of Australia and have a sponsor from within Australia; the visa is permanent and allows them to qualify for Australian citizenship afterward
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