What Is ImmiAccount and How to Create One: A Step-by-Step Guide


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What is an ImmiAccount?

ImmiAccount is a special platform that enables a hassle-free experience while applying for a visa. Thanks to it, you are able to access online services from any part of the world. It means you can check the visa status, manage your permits, submit visa applications, cover the fees electronically, and get up-to-date information about the procedures.

Generally, there are two types of ImmiAccount: individual and organizational. The first is perfect for single applications for a visa or citizenship, while the second can be used by migration agents who apply online for needed permits for their clients.

The ImmiAccount platform allows simple access to all the needed information about the required permits, so it is very convenient for all applicants and companies. It enables fast processing and provides updated details about the status of a visa or citizenship. Besides, it is possible to correct all the mistakes through ImmiAcccount easily, which is an additional benefit.

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How to Create ImmiAccount?

To create an ImmiAccount as an individual, you need to consider the following points:

  • Fill in the details about the user (select an individual option and enter information).
  • Provide details about the account, accept conditions, select the ‘I am not a robot’ check box, submit the application, and wait for an email with confirmation.
  • When you have an account, you can make an application, request services for the organization, or access LEGENDcom (after the purchase of a subscription).

Also, you can create ImmiAccount for an organization:

  • Select ‘Organization’ option and the services you need.
  • Provide necessary information.
  • Pick ‘I am not a robot’ option.
  • Submit the application, wait for the ‘Login successful’ page, and click ‘Continue’.
  • Wait for the approval.
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Note that you won’t be able to have an organization ImmiAccount until approval from an Organization Account Administrator (OAA) or government. Usually, it takes around 4 days.

Sometimes, you may come across difficulties during the process of creating an ImmiAccount. Remember to enter the details and check them carefully twice. In case of issues during attaching documents, make sure they suit the size limits, are in the proper file type, and are not encrypted. Some technical errors happen when maintenance is done in the system. In this situation, you must wait until it ends.

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ImmiAccount Login

Accessing ImmiAccount is very simple. You just need to:

  • Go to the ImmiAccount login page
  • Fill in Username and Password
  • Click on ‘Login’ button.

You can use ‘I have forgotten my ImmiAccount username or password’ option or contact the administrator in case of problems while logging in.

What is more, all usernames are unique, and it is not possible to change or re-use them. Entering a username or passport incorrectly five times will result in an account lock for 1 hour. Use the ‘Forgotten option’ link and answer security questions to unlock it.

In case you are not able to get a forgotten username and passport by email, you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs and wait for further instructions.

Navigating Your ImmiAccount Dashboard

You have access to a lot of functions on the ImmiAccount dashboard. You can change your account type, password, secret questions, email address and alert preferences in the ‘Manage Account’ section. Just select the proper tab (‘Request access’, ‘Password’, ‘Secret questions’, ‘Account Details’, or ‘Alert preferences’).

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Also, it is very simple to apply and manage the applications. Select the ‘New Application’ to start the process, read and agree to the conditions, and save everything. You can also copy the application, import, share, remove, or send it.

In the case of Organizational ImmiAccount, you are able to approve or reject each service by selecting the proper option and saving it. Besides, it is possible to easily search for the request in the ‘Manage Account’ tab. Just click on ‘Manage registrations’, enter the email address of the account holder, and select the ‘Search’ option. Then, view a request and decide if you want to approve or reject it (remember to enter a note of why you rejected the application).

What is more, it is possible to invite users to create an ImmiAccount and give them access to online services in ‘Organisation Account Administrator’ section. The user has 4 days to click on the link sent in the email to create an account. Note that you can’t invite a user to create an account with Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO), as the user must request it from the account.

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ImmiAccount Features and Functionality

You can enjoy many useful features thanks to the ImmiAccount:

  • Your visa application can be submitted easily within minutes. You can apply online for any visa introduced by the Department of Home Affairs in Australia.
  • You are able to securely upload supporting documents necessary during visa application.
  • You have access to your visa details on the ImmiAccount and are able to manage the visa status. Track the progress and see the updates.
  • ImmiAccount provides simple fee payments. You can use many methods, such as credit card, debit card, or electronic platforms.
  • The fast contact with the Department of Home Affairs is possible via ImmiAccount. You can receive and send messages, provide additional details/documents, or ask questions in case of doubts.
  • You have access to the Visa Grant Letter. You can download it, as it is treated as official confirmation.
  • You are able to update your details, such as address or email, within minutes.
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